Nan & Grandad
The Morning
Stansted Airport
In the Air
Another Land
Home and Home
Nan & Grandad
Teddy had to go back to Frankfurt Airport, by car this time. His friends' Nana and Grandad were flying Buzz from England for a holiday.
They're here!

Their plane is the yellow one to the left of the photo above. Here's a closer view.
Teddy was beginning to get used to airports.

Teddy's friends were pleased to see their grandparents. They had barbeques on the campsite, and took the windsurf boards out on the lake. Teddy was happy to watch, he was worried about going in water!

His friends' Nan told him later that this holiday was the first time she had ever flown in a big plane, which made Teddy feel very grown up!
Teddy's Friends with their Grandparents

One day, Teddy's friends took their Nana and Grandad swimming at Bad Marienberg. Teddy had never seen such a big swimming pool!
Bad Marienberg

Revised 10/5/2010
for Jasper's 18th Birthday